Company Profile

Roger Dickie (N.Z.) Ltd is at the forefront of New Zealand Forestry and Farm investments. Formed in 1971, the company has established over 93 forests and farms for investors.

Since 1990 Roger Dickie (N.Z.) Ltd has deliberately concentrated their Radiata forest activities in the northern Hawke’s Bay, Wairoa and Gisborne regions on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand.

The region produces New Zealand’s highest Radiata forest growth rates.  Quality land is available at reasonable prices.  This is the foundation of a profitable forestry investment.

The Hawke’s Bay, Wairoa and Gisborne regions have an established and well developed timber based infrastructure including pulp mill, saw mills and a tri-board mill.  The advantages of this region are further enhanced by close proximity to two log export ports at Napier and Gisborne.

Each Roger Dickie (N.Z.) Ltd forestry investment begins with the purchase of freehold land.  Only the best properties are selected after a forestry feasibility study has been completed.  This leads to low risk forestry development and maximum forest growth rates.  The land is prepared, forestry roads are formed and the new forest is planted between May and September.

Roger Dickie (N.Z.) Ltd is at the forefront of New Zealand Forestry and Farm investments. Formed in 1971, the company has established over 93 forests and farms for investors.

Since 1990 Roger Dickie (N.Z.) Ltd has deliberately concentrated their Radiata forest activities in the northern Hawke’s Bay, Wairoa and Gisborne regions on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand.

The region produces New Zealand’s highest Radiata forest growth rates.  Quality land is available at reasonable prices.  This is the foundation of a profitable forestry investment.

The Hawke’s Bay, Wairoa and Gisborne regions have an established and well developed timber based infrastructure including pulp mill, saw mills and a tri-board mill.  The advantages of this region are further enhanced by close proximity to two log export ports at Napier and Gisborne.

Each Roger Dickie (N.Z.) Ltd forestry investment begins with the purchase of freehold land.  Only the best properties are selected after a forestry feasibility study has been completed.  This leads to low risk forestry development and maximum forest growth rates.  The land is prepared, forestry roads are formed and the new forest is planted between May and September.

Management Approach

Close attention to financial controls, whilst maintaining the highest standards of forest management, has resulted in every forest  initiated by Roger Dickie (N.Z.) Ltd operating below projected expenditure in the establishment phase. 

Accountability is the cornerstone of our business.  As the investor’s representative, Roger Dickie (N.Z.) Ltd supervises and approves the collation of forest consultant’s reports and valuations, forest managers reports, employment of contractors, cash flow forecasts, sale of unwanted assets, grazing leases, negotiations with local authorities, general newsletters, field days and conferences.

Annual General Meetings are held on site each year when budgets are approved by investors.

The combined group of forests co-ordinated by Roger Dickie (N.Z.) Ltd represents a powerful force with the ability to partake in their own marketing, processing or exporting of timber.

Our Team

Roger Dickie - Company Director

B.Ag.Sc, Forester, Farmer, Developer, and Company Director.

Roger is chairman and director of 76 rural investment partnerships.

Roger is married to Mary-Ann and they have four sons. Through his family interests he owns farming and forestry land in the North and South Island and is involved in coastal property development in Taranaki.

Roger’s farming interests are in the Rosemount/Awatea Farm, a 1,050 ha property at Waverley in South Taranaki milking 1,460 cows and the grazing of 1,200 other dairy stock.

Since 1971 Roger Dickie has coordinated and developed 89 rural investment syndicates for New Zealand and overseas investors. These cover an area of more than 27,500 ha and are located in the North and South Island. There are more than 2,500 investors in these syndicates many of whom are in more
than one partnership.

He is an executive director and spokesman for the Kyoto Forestry Association (KFA) which represents growers of 250,000 ha of Kyoto compliant forest
in New Zealand. The KFA was formed to oppose the then labour government’s proposal to nationalise carbon credits sequestered in forests planted and
grown by private land owners. Under Rogers leadership KFA invested $600,000 and fought the government for six years to return ownership of forest
carbon credits to the land owners.

Roger led an intensive campaign that involved lobbying and politics at the highest level and resulted in a U turn from government and 100% success for KFA.
This provided the opportunity for all post 1989 forest owners to sell billions of dollars worth of carbon credits that the Labour Government was intending to nationalise.

Today, Roger continues to focus on forestry and agriculture investment opportunities in New Zealand.


Jeff Dickie - Company Director

Jeff has a Bachelor of Forestry Science degree and a Bachelor of Commerce degree with Finance from the University of Canterbury as well as papers on Commercial Property Investment and Commercial Property Management from the University of Auckland.

Jeff has gained hands-on forest experience through his studies and has been involved in finance as a director at ANZ Bank in the global markets division between 2007 and 2018. Jeff’s time in banking has been largely apportioned to financial institutions, namely fund managers, specialising in sales of foreign exchange and fixed income products. Throughout this time Jeff has developed a breadth of knowledge across financial markets and financial institutions including managed investment schemes that currently adhere to FMA regulations.

Jeff joins the RDNZ business as a director alongside Will Dickie. He is excited to continue growing the longstanding and successful family forestry investment business as well as establishing new initiatives for investment in commercial property assets.

Richard Bourne - Sales and Marketing Manager

Richard’s background is in sales and service having run his own Sporting Goods retail business for 28 years. He was chairman of the Sportsworld Group in the early 1990s and was named the sports industries ‘Sports goods retailer of the year’ in 1994. Richard sold his business in 1995 and joined Roger Dickie later that year. Having invested in forestry he already knew and understood it.

Richard is married to Rose and they have two sons and a daughter. Richard’s interests include local history and he remains involved with his old school Wanganui Collegiate. He is a past president of the Old Boys and Girls Association was a key organiser of the schools 150th celebrations in 2004. He is currently chairman of the Wanganui Collegiate School Museum Trust.

He maintains a keen interest in the outdoor sports of tramping, hunting and fishing as well as boating and snow skiing.